PDIP Secretary General Discusses Sukarno’s Thoughts at Bandung-Belgrade-Havana Conference


general secretary IDP Hasto Kristiyanto became a speaker at the Bandung-Belgrade-Havana conference in Surabaya. In his speech, Hasto touched on the geopolitical thoughts of Indonesia’s first President Sukarno.

Hasto said Bung Karno’s geopolitical thoughts were his thesis. He also discussed the spirit of the 1955 Afro-Asian Conference (KAA) with the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) at the Bandung-Belgrade-Havana Conference.

One of the things Hasto conveyed was the political stability of Asia and the principle of peaceful coexistence. He said the countries of the world should build a brotherhood without war.

“The determination to build a global brotherhood without war must be rooted in the Asian culture which is the basis of the philosophy of state administration,” Hasto said in Surabaya on Friday (11/11/2022).

Hasto said Asian countries must embrace African and Latin American countries to overcome the current crisis. According to him, relations between countries should be beneficial for the well-being of peoples.

“This is where Asia must come together and embrace the strengths of Africa and Latin America and peace-loving countries, to overcome the global food, energy and economic crises,” he said. he declares.

Hasto also reiterated the importance of negotiations to reduce military spending, including the prevention of weapons of mass destruction. He referred to Sukarno’s ideas on UN reform for conflict prevention.

“It is about preventing conflict in all regions of the world. Based on this agenda, Sukarno’s thoughts on reforming the United Nations are realistic to resurface,” he added.

Hasto also believed that each country should promote cooperation in the development of humanity-based science and technology. He also felt that a breakthrough was needed so that capital controls could be distributed more evenly.

“The global financial structure needs to be redesigned. This has been initiated by Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa through the creation of the New Development Bank. This proposal is very interesting for overcome the different faces of the ‘new colonization’ that arise due to the unjust domination of capital and the colonialism of data,” Hasto said.

“Asia, Africa and Latin America, in the spirit of the Asia-Africa Conference and the Non-Aligned Movement, as well as the Tricontinental Conference, must come together to change the world, before the face of humanity, fair economic cooperation, and sharing prosperity. Ultimately, the preservation of the earth, the security of the universe, must be fought together because we live on the same planet,” he continued.

The Bandung-Belgrade-Havana event in Global History and Perspective is a trace of the 1955 KAA. The opening took place in Jakarta a few days ago.

After that, the participants traveled to Bandung, in collaboration with Padjadjaran University (Unpad), to discuss the steps based on the spirit of the Afro-Asian Conference of 1955. Afterwards, the group traveled to Surabaya , then to Bali.

Researchers invited to this program include Annamaria Artner (Hungary), Connie Rahakundini Bakrie (Indonesia), Isaac Bazie (Burkina Faso/Canada), Beatriz Bissio (Brazil/Uruguay), Marzia Casolari (Italy), Gracjan Cimek (Poland). ), Bruno Drweski (France/Poland), Hilman Farid (Indonesia), Darwis Khudori (Indonesia/France), Seema Mehra Parihar (India), Jean-Jacques Ngor Sene (Senegal/USA), Istvan Tarrosy (Hungary), Rityusha Mani Tiwary (India), Nisar Ul Haq (India).

See also ‘Gerindra at odds with PDIP over state must apologize to Bung Karno’:

[Gambas:Video 20detik]


Jordan Carlson

"Zombie geek. Beer trailblazer. Avid bacon advocate. Extreme introvert. Unapologetic food evangelist. Internet lover. Twitter nerd."

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