These are the rare flora and fauna that live freely in Semen Padang Conservation Park

PT Semen Padang’s concern for the protection of biodiversity has been the company’s commitment for a long time. The company bears witness to this through the management of a 50 Ha biodiversity park which is an area for the extraction of recovered clay.

Located in Indarung Village, Lubukkilangan District, Padang City, West Sumatra Province, the biodiversity park where various types of flora and fauna live is also transformed into a sports facility, golf course. This area has even become a special attraction for the community.

“This golf course is part of the PT. Padang cement. There are a lot of rare flora and fauna in this area,” said Nur Anita Rahmawati, head of public relations unit and secretariat of PT Semen Padang.

One of them is the Bido Snake Eagle. This type of eagle is a large eagle widespread in Asia, from India in the west, to Nepal, Sri Lanka, east to China, south through Southeast Asia, the Malay Peninsula, the Sunda Islands, to Palawan in the Philippines.

“The Kehati team continues to monitor the existence of this eagle in the area of ​​Semen Padang Kehati Park. This Kehati Park is not a breeding ground, it is a golf course. indeed sees rare animals or birds, like this Bido Snake Eagle,” Anita said on Monday (7/11/2022).

In addition, continued Anita, there is also the river cuckoo, a species of bird in the family Alcedinidae. This bird is a type of bird that eats lizards, large insects, frogs, and caterpillars that have habitats in open areas near water, gardens, towns, and forest edges.

Then there is also the Scrub Cuckoo or the White-breasted Cuckoo which is a kind of king-prawn bird of the tribal tribe. Halcyonidae. This bird is widespread in Asia and is known by many names in English. Among them, White-throated, white-breasted kingfisher Kingfisher Where Smyrnaean Kingfisher.

“Besides river cuckoo and brush cuckoo, in this Kehati park there are also various other types of birds such as honey birds and Sriganti honey birds. Then there are also palm trees fans, red palms, arctic ferns and hajj ferns,” Anita explained.

“The Totol Deer of Bogor Palace and the endemic Bilih fish of Singkarak Lake are also complementary to the biodiversity of PT Semen Padang Conservation Park. For Totol Deer itself, PT Semen Padang has adopted it since 2016, and this started with six deer,” he added.

Anita said that the maintenance of spotted deer in the PT Semen Padang area has obtained a permit from the Natural Resources Conservation Center (BKSDA).

He continued, “Before giving Deer Totol to PT Semen Padang, Bogor Palace ensures that PT Semen Padang meets the specified requirements. Thank God, since his adoption, this spotted deer hasn’t stopped growing. Finally, there are 12 tails,” Anita explained.

Next, for Bilih Fish, which currently lives and breeds around a small river in the golf course area. Indeed, Bilih fish are also raised in ponds equipped with spawning grounds and in the spawning laboratory of the D1 complex of PT Semen Padang. conservation.

The results of rearing the Bilih fish in the pond and in the spawning lab, Anita said, were also distributed in their natural habitat of Lake Singkarak. “There are about 7,000 bilih spawners that were distributed in 2022,” Anita said.

This fish from Bilih, Anita added, has been in conservation since 2020 thanks to a collaboration between the Semen Padang conservation team and Bung Hatta University (UBH), the only university to specialize in fisheries in the west. from Sumatra.

“For Semen Padang, the conservation of fish in Bilih is done because the population is decreasing. That is why together with UBH we are trying to save this bilih fish from extinction,” concluded Anita

Cheryl Tenny

"Thinker. Food advocate. Incurable coffee enthusiast. Communicator. Proud student. Zombie buff. Tv fanatic. Extreme troublemaker."

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