36 people killed in India due to heavy rain – struck by lightning

New Delhi

Bad weather who killed at least 36 people in the area India north for the past 24 hours. Heavy rains are expected to continue hitting India in the coming days.

As reported Associated presson Saturday (24/09/2022), local authorities said 12 of them died after hit by lightning. The other 24 people, said Uttar Pradesh regional official Ranvir Prasad, died after their homes collapsed amid torrential rains that continued to pour down.

One of the dead has been identified as 15-year-old Mohamed Usman. Usman was reportedly on the roof of a friend’s house in the town of Prayagraj when lightning struck on Friday evening (23/9) local time, killing him instantly.

Usman’s friend Aznan was also struck by lightning and was injured and is currently being treated at a local hospital.

“As soon as they set foot on the roof, they were struck by lightning and my son died,” Usman’s father Mohammad Ayub said.

It was not further explained why Usman and his friends were on the roof of the house when the weather was bad.

Authorities in Uttar Pradesh say a total of 39 people have died after being struck by lightning in the past five days. The situation has prompted the local government to issue new guidelines for its citizens on how to protect themselves during a thunderstorm.

Jordan Carlson

"Zombie geek. Beer trailblazer. Avid bacon advocate. Extreme introvert. Unapologetic food evangelist. Internet lover. Twitter nerd."

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