UMM alum elected president of the International Association of Teachers of English

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MALANG — An alumnus of Muhammadiyah Malang University (UMM), Urifah has been elected president of the International Association of English Teachers (IELTA). Members of this association are English teachers from Indonesia, South Korea, Nepal, Bangladesh, Argentina, Egypt, Malaysia and others.

Recently, this woman from Malang was invited to participate in a collaboration program organized in South Korea. It is precisely during the International Conference on Education in Sejong from October 20 to 24, 2022.

There were 60 representatives of teachers and education practitioners who were also present at the event. They held talks, introductory sessions, materials from the South Korean Ministry of Education and a number of others.

Urifah also had the opportunity to visit and teach at Dajeong School. He was even accompanied by the headmaster to provide materials and educate the students on site.

According to Urifah, this is a rare opportunity because she can interact directly with students and teachers. In addition, before, they met more often via online applications.

According to his observations, the education there was very well organized. This place also has an innovative, simple and advanced program that provides excitement. “I hope it can provide new perspectives for education in Indonesia,” he said in an official message received. Republic.

Previously, Urifah was also invited to several similar programs in other countries. One of them is in India, so you can gain experience teaching and interacting with people there. He hopes what he has achieved in India and South Korea can be shared with other teachers so they can advance Indonesian education.

Urifah’s activities and achievements are inseparable from the positive effects of technology. Urifah makes good use of advanced technology to carry out collaborative activities. Not only nationally but also internationally.

It also participates in various online educational activities organized by various countries. His activities and contributions have made Urifah known to many people from various countries. This is particularly the case for teachers, experts and observers of education.

It is not uncommon for him to become a speaker at collaborative events between schools such as in India, Colombia, Taiwan, Romania, the Philippines and others. His studies are also interesting, namely education, SDGs, culture and the environment.

Jordan Carlson

"Zombie geek. Beer trailblazer. Avid bacon advocate. Extreme introvert. Unapologetic food evangelist. Internet lover. Twitter nerd."

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