Entrepreneurship: a business opportunity for a handful of Moroccan startups in India

Sometimes innovation is synonymous with adaptation. So, from October 26 to October 30, five selected Moroccan startups will visit the Indian Tech ecosystem! Startups Chari.ma, Sowit Morocco, Tindy, NHS and OCP Maintenance Solutions have been selected to take part in the visit to brainstorm, exploring collaboration opportunities with startups in the country’s Tech ecosystem from Southeast Asia.

This start-up was chosen after going through a selection made by the Ministry of Digital Transition and Utilization of State Apparatuses (MTNRA) and the Digital Development Agency (ADD). The visit, which is scheduled for October 26-30, also includes meetings with business figures and academics. Following this announcement, we retain the reaction of Ismael Belkhayat, Chari’s co-founder and CEO, who was first in the deliberations.

For the leader, “India for traditional B2B e-commerce is like Silicon Valley for Web3. Visiting India and Southeast Asia is a way to travel to the future.” And to add that “when you’re a startup in Africa, you don’t need a ball”

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Serena Hoyles

"Twitter junkie. Hipster-friendly bacon expert. Beer ninja. Reader. Communicator. Explorer. Passionate alcohol geek."

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