“Chancellor Scholz seems to have lost his compass” – SWR2

The chairman of the Bundestag Committee on Human Rights and Humanitarian Assistance, Michael Brand (CDU), sees a new quality in China’s internal and external aggression. In the SWR2 interview, Brand said that it “affects all fields, military, technology, economy.”
In this context, he also criticized the planned entry of Chinese groups in the port of Hamburg as a “completely wrong signal”. Brands was very disturbed by the attitude of Chancellor Scholz (SPD), who has supported the project so far: “It’s time for the Chancellor to wake up. He seems to have lost his compass. (…) Anyone who talks about a turning point but acts differently, there are a word in German, duplicity. That pushes the aggressor.(…) The fact that the federal government still believes that dependence must be increased here and that change through trade will work against the interests of nationalism.” Brand is currently in Taiwan with a delegation from the Bundestag. He demands that government representatives visit the country and make Germany more independent from China, just as dependence on Russian gas has decreased. “That also means negotiating with other partners, such as Taiwan, India. , New Zealand, Australia, the United States, to establish a counterbalance.” That would put China in a different negotiating position, because “defending human rights, prosperity and security is nothing for Sunday’s speech alone. This is something for real politics,” Brand said in his daily SWR2 talk.

Ambrose Fernandez

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