partnership with Corsair is always possible

TourMaG: Let’s talk about the winter program. All goals continued?

Emmanuelle NAOURES: Yes. We hope to have a complete program that we will communicate to you. We are currently missing the Rodrigues Island destination, which we service on a weekly frequency from Reunion.

We are waiting for approval from the Mauritius government. We should be able to open it in early November.

Also noteworthy is the strong position in Madagascar. We are the only company that offers 7 service points to this destination. We recently reopened Tuléar and Fort Dauphin. All of these destinations are offered in connection with our long haul flights.

TourMaG: You just mentioned Rodrigues Island. During our interview with the Minister of Tourism of Mauritius, he praised this very natural ecological destination, a highly protected island.

Emmanuelle NAOURES: Yes, it is already part of our network and the specialty for us at this destination is that the runway cannot accept our A220.

We therefore hired ATR from our subsidiary Ewa Air to be able to take over the destination until the runway expansion work could be completed.

TourMaG: Is the work planned?

Emmanuelle NAOURES: Yes indeed to be able to accommodate medium-range aircraft.

TourMaG: On an island where ecotourism thrives, will you therefore be able to land a rather efficient plane from an environmental point of view?

Emmanuelle NAOURES: Yes, and this is an opportunity for me to also recall our main approach, which concerns not only decarbonization but also our social responsibility.

We have also recently been certified for our entire CSR* approach, which among other things respects our territorial roots. This is also what makes us different, the Reunion identity that we have.

Garfield Woolery

"Award-winning travel lover. Coffee specialist. Zombie guru. Twitter fan. Friendly social media nerd. Music fanatic."

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