The youngest Apple iOS developer, an Indian Muslim who is still 8 years old

Hana Muhammad Rafeeq has been named the youngest Apple iOS developer

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, DUBAI – A girl India An 8-year-old Muslim living in Dubai recently received good news after the CEO Apple, Tim Cook praises him for successfully developing the app iOS for iPhone.

Hana Muhammad Rafeeq, who introduces himself as a developer AppleiOS the youngest, said he sent an email explaining the candidacy and other accomplishments to Tim Cook.

In her email to Cook, Hanna explained in detail that she was born and raised in the United Arab Emirates and has been learning coding since she was five years old.

Hanna, who is currently nine years old, admits that she has almost avoided using off-the-shelf third-party code, libraries or classes in her apps. He himself wrote more than 10,000 lines of code for his application.

By sharing the link Youtube work, Hanna suggested Cook take a look at the app in person. In the same email, Hanna explained why she wrote the email and sent it to the CEO. Apple.

It’s to prove to his parents that he did something extraordinary and to let the chief know Apple how passionate he is about technology, especially Apple.

Reporting by The Islamic Information, Monday (26/9/2022), a day after Hanna emailed CEO Cook Apple respond immediately.

In her email response, Cook praised Hanna for her impressive achievement at such a young age. Moreover, he encouraged Hanna to continue doing great things in the future.

Hanna’s father, Muhammad Rafeeq, said he was pleased when he reviewed the tech leader’s response to confirm the claim that Hanna was a developer the youngest.

The father also explained that Hanna learned coding from her older sister, Leena Fathima, who is ten years old.

The two sisters, homeschooled by their parents, first studied coding when their mothers begin to study coding.

The girls are now fluent in the latest HTML, CSS, C, C++, Swift and SwiftUI coding languages. They dream of changing the world in their own way and plan to offer free coding lessons to orphans through a foundation that bears their name.

Jordan Carlson

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