The Little-Known History of Hockey in Indonesia : Okezone Sports

THE STORY sport hockey in indonesia which few people know will be discussed in this article. No wonder Indonesians don’t know about this sport.

Because hockey is not as popular as football or badminton. However, it turns out that there are also hockey fans in Indonesia. So what is the history of hockey in Indonesia that many people don’t know?

Know the history of hockey in Indonesia which is not well known

In addition to football and basketball, hockey is also a team sport. There are two types of hockey, namely ice hockey and field hockey. Both use sticks and small balls to play.

However, what will be discussed in this article is the type of field hockey and the history of hockey in Indonesia. Although there are not many fans, hockey has often been played in several competitions.

Field hockey is played on grass with a small ball which will be disputed by 6 to 11 players with a goalkeeper. In fact, the game of hockey is not much different from football. It’s just that in order to win the ball, hockey players have to use sticks which are usually made of wood or composite.

History of Hockey in Indonesia

The history of hockey in Indonesia was first brought by the Dutch colonialists. They brought hockey and played it in Indonesia. In the history of hockey originating in ancient Egypt, however, modern hockey began in England and then spread to Europe until it was brought by the Dutch to Indonesia.

In the past, hockey was only played by British, Dutch and Indian students. Then he entered Indonesia around 1920. Hockey was first widely introduced around 1932 by students from Lembang Teacher School in Bandung Hollandsch Inlandsche Kweekschool HIK.

These students have often competed in various competitions in Sumatra and Java. The independence of Indonesia had a positive impact, especially in the world of sport.

Hockey in Indonesia

From there, in 1956, an idea emerged to form the Indonesian Hockey Federation (FIH). The creation of the organization was initiated by several important sports personalities, namely Padmo Sumasto, Yusuf Ismail and A. Asikin.

Coinciding with the Olympic Games in Australia in 1956, the FIH officially joined the International Hockey Federation (FHI) in Melbourne. From there the player Indonesian Hockey have a great opportunity to compete with overseas hockey players.

A number of equipments also need to be prepared when one wants to play hockey. Between wooden or composite rods.

The shape of the goalie’s hockey stick is different from that of ordinary players. Then the hockey ball, which is as small as a white-only cricket ball and weighs 5.5 to 5.75 ounces, is 8 to 13 inches in diameter.

Moreover, there are also other attributes when playing hockey. The one that must be worn is a special helmet as a protector. As for the goalkeeper position, you must wear gloves.

Thus the history of hockey in Indonesia which is not widely known.

Cheryl Tenny

"Thinker. Food advocate. Incurable coffee enthusiast. Communicator. Proud student. Zombie buff. Tv fanatic. Extreme troublemaker."

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