Securing gold in Porprov, dozens of Subang Muaythai athletes hone their skills in Bali

SUBANG, TINTAHIJAU.COM– A total of 15 Subang MuayThai athletes flew to the island of the gods in Bali to hold a training center (TC) for the coming month. They will be TC in Bali MMA Canggu District, Badung Regency, Bali Province.

Dozens of MuayThai athletes for the XIV Provincial Sports Week of West Java (PORPROV) in 2022 were released by KONI Chief Subang Asep Rochman Diymati at KONI Secretariat, Jl. A. Natta Sukarya Subang on Friday (9/30 /2022) morning.

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Muaythai Subang trainer Nizar Fahreza said that in Bali his students will perform TCs and trials to improve their skills and build our athletes’ readiness ahead of the West Java PORPROV event. In West Java Porprov, this sport aims for at least 5 gold medals.

“It’s about improving the skills (abilities) and strengthening the preparation of our athletes ahead of the West Java PORPROV event. Because in Bali MMA, we get new opponents and experience,” said Nizar.

Subang KONI General Chairman Asep Rochman Dimyati advised that when carrying out TC in Bali, make best use of it. According to Asep TC, this is a provision for athletes before competing in Porprov in November

“With the TC and Try Out at Bali MMA, it’s a huge boost for our muaythai athletes to improve the athletes’ abilities and make them more confident while competing at West Java PORPROV,” Asep said.

There are many things that can be used in Bali. Apart from honing skills and abilities, it can also boost enthusiasm and gain experience from athletes around the world including India.

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Cheryl Tenny

"Thinker. Food advocate. Incurable coffee enthusiast. Communicator. Proud student. Zombie buff. Tv fanatic. Extreme troublemaker."

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