Israeli tourist found dead in India hotel room

An Israeli tourist was found dead in his hotel room in India, the Foreign Ministry announced on Friday.

According to local reports, the 32-year-old man was found in his bedroom near the Himalayan mountain Sandakphu in northeast India on Wednesday by a guide he had hired. The latter went looking for him when he didn’t show up for a visit. The mountains located near the famous Darjeeling tea plantations are a popular destination for trekking.

Local police believe he died of natural causes and do not suspect foul play.

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“There are no signs of injury on his body. At first glance, this is a natural death. However, the exact cause can only be ascertained after the autopsy report is received,” said Police Director Darjeeling Santosh Nimbalkar in a post.

The Foreign Ministry said the man’s family had been notified and the embassy in New Delhi was doing what was necessary to assist them and repatriate the body. He added that they are in close contact with local authorities.

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Serena Hoyles

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