78% of professionals are ready for the metaverse

87% of respondents said they felt comfortable hosting HR meetings in a virtual room.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — A new global study commissioned by Ciena has revealed how ready professionals are to collaborate in cyberspace. According to the results, 96% of the 15,000 people surveyed globally saw the value of virtual dating, and more than three-quarters (78%) said they would participate in more immersive experiences such as metaverse compared to today’s tools, such as videoconferencing.

Additionally, as the appetite for the new digital world grows, unreliable network performance is cited (by 38% globally) as a top concern holding organizations back.

Although the data show a strong momentum towards Platform more digital and immersive on a global scale, opinions on the metaverse vary by region. Globally, 87% of respondents said they would feel comfortable hosting HR meetings in a virtual space. At the country level, it is as high as 97% in India and 94% in the Philippines, and as low as 57% in Japan.

reported from Japan today, Friday (30/9/2022), according to the results, the two main benefits of virtual meetings are increased collaboration and convenience. Globally, when choosing an avatar for the virtual world, 35% would choose an avatar that mirrors the real world, 22% would choose an idealistic version, and only 10% would choose a pop culture store.

Additionally, 71% of professionals can see the Metaverse as part of their existing work practice, and 40% believe their business will transition from a traditional/static collaboration environment to a more immersive VR-based platform in the future. over the next two years.

Despite growing interest from working professionals, barriers to wide adoption still exist. Survey participants cited network reliability as a top concern, followed by the belief that immersive platforms are not yet widely available.

“Clearly, the business world is ready to move to the metaverse and start using more immersive virtual environments for collaboration and innovation,” commented Steve Alexander, senior vice president and chief technology officer, Ciena. .

“Network reliability can be seen as a barrier to achieving this goal today, but service providers know the demand is there and are already investing and testing to make networks faster, smarter and bring them closer together. users,” he said.

Alexander added, “We will continue to hear about what the Metaverse is or could be in the months and years to come, but no compelling use case can be realized without a strong underlying network, coupled with the latest and greatest technology that supports ultra-low latency and high bandwidth that increase the demands of reality.

The study surveyed a total of 15,000 professionals, including 1,000 in each of the following countries/regions: UK, Germany, Norway, Middle East, Australia, Denmark, Japan, Colombia, India, USA, Philippines , Mexico, Brazil, Indonesia and Singapore. The study was conducted by Censuswide on behalf of Ciena in June 2022.

Jordan Carlson

"Zombie geek. Beer trailblazer. Avid bacon advocate. Extreme introvert. Unapologetic food evangelist. Internet lover. Twitter nerd."

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