MA explores the involvement of Supreme Court Justice Sudrajad et al in the corruption case

The process of reviewing the superiors of suspects is carried out by Bawas MA.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – The Supreme Court (MA) has taken action to follow up on alleged corruption that ensnared Supreme Court Justice Sudrajad Dimyati and 5 MA employees. The Supreme Court is currently considering the role of the suspects’ superiors in the case management case.

The process of reviewing the superiors of suspects is carried out by the Supreme Court Monitoring Agency (Bawas). The Bawas Supreme Court has the power to investigate and take action against “wicked” judges.

β€œThe Supreme Court Supervisory Board is conducting a review of the direct superiors of the suspects,” MA spokesman Andi Samsan Nganro said during confirmation on Tuesday (9/27).

Andi said the review process was based on an agreement of the Supreme Court leadership, Supreme Court justices and ad hoc Supreme Court justices. This review also complies with a number of regulations within the WMA’s internal environment.

“The review of suspects’ direct superiors is a mandate of Supreme Court Rules Numbers 7, 8 and 9. This includes the application of inherent oversight which is attempted to be carried out seriously,” Andi said.

The KPK is known to have officially detained Sudrajad Dimyati. This detention was carried out after the anti-corruption agency named Sudrajad as a suspect in connection with alleged corruption in handling cases before the Supreme Court. Sudrajad is suspected of taking bribes to win a civil suit in Semarang District Court.

For information, the KPK has named 10 suspects in the alleged bribery dealing with cases in the Supreme Court. Six of them are officials and employees of the Supreme Court. They are Supreme Court Justice Sudrajad Dimyati; Judicial Judge/Deputy Registrar of the Supreme Court Elly Tri Pangestu (ETP); two officials from the Registry of the Supreme Court, Desy Yustria (DY) and Muhajir Habibie (MH); and two Supreme Court officials, namely Nurmanto Akmal (NA) and Albasri (AB).

Then, four other suspects, namely two lawyers Yosep Parera (YP) and Eko Suparno (ES); and two private parties/debtors of the Intidana Credit Union (ID), Heryanto Tanaka (HT) and Ivan Dwi Kusuma Sujanto (IDKS).

Jordan Carlson

"Zombie geek. Beer trailblazer. Avid bacon advocate. Extreme introvert. Unapologetic food evangelist. Internet lover. Twitter nerd."

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