Minister Koffi N’guessan welcomes training opportunities for Ivory Coast youth in India

Abidjan, Minister of Technical Education and Vocational Training, Koffi N’guessan, is pleased with the training opportunities offered by the Indian government to Ivory Coast youths to enable them to better improve their skills.

“Technical and vocational training is a real priority for the Ivory Coast government. This is technological advancement, training in promising trades, with the aim of solving youth unemployment, and I would like to be pleased with the diverse support India is providing to this sector, to strengthen youth skills for the integration of wealthy professionals,” said the Minister of Finance on Friday, 23 September 2022 in Abidjan, on India’s Technical and Economic Cooperation Program Day (ITEC Day).

According to the minister, the training in India is focused on “governance of public structures, e-waste treatment and recycling technologies and energy systems and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and many other areas”.

From now on, these opportunities will be exploited and made available to young people to further enhance their professional skills, he announced, adding that an ITEC focal point has been established in its ministry, so that this information is widely communicated to many young people. people who went to strengthen their capacities in India.

The Ambassador of India in Ivory Coast, Sailas Thangal, for his part determined that the Day aims to enable former students who have benefited from the ITEC programme, to present their experiences and thereby bring other young people to be interested in this distinction. course.

The diplomat underlined that within the framework of this training program, India is providing 100 scholarships to Ivory Coast in various fields including rural development, management, entrepreneurship, IT. For him, this program will make India better known for the good cooperation between the two countries.

Former Ivory Coast students participate in ITEC Day 2022

On this occasion, video presentations of various training courses and information on ITEC programs were shown. Former program beneficiaries also shared their experiences.

ITEC is a bilateral assistance program from the government of India that allows international candidates from developing countries to participate in training courses, internships or professional capacity building trainings.

Many Ivory Coast students, journalists, communications professionals, or agents from other sectors of the activity take part. India is the 3rd largest economy in the world in 2021, after the United States and China.



Serena Hoyles

"Twitter junkie. Hipster-friendly bacon expert. Beer ninja. Reader. Communicator. Explorer. Passionate alcohol geek."

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