Foxconn: relocation to India hampered by Apple’s culture of secrecy

Relocation strategy from supply chain experienced its first setback: foxconn and Apple wanted to start production of the iPhone 14 both on the production line in China and in the new chain located in India, but in the end things were not going to go according to plan. Bloomberg tells us that the iPhone 14 won’t be able to leave the Foxconn factory in India until October or November, well after the first batch of stock of this model.

One of the reasons for this delay was to seek the culture of secrecy that Apple cherishes so much. The Cupertino company will indeed impose very strict secrecy criteria on its partners to avoid leaks (the infamous “leaks”), a drastic measure that would greatly slow down the start-up of a new production unit based in India.

Apple is also concerned that Indian customs officials are another leak vector, especially when opening packages to check declarations at the border (before export). Finally, strikes and demonstrations (sometimes violent) by the employees of these factories would be another concern for Apple, especially after the revolt of the workers in these factories. Wistron.

Garfield Woolery

"Award-winning travel lover. Coffee specialist. Zombie guru. Twitter fan. Friendly social media nerd. Music fanatic."

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