Cascallana immediately fell in love with the enthusiasm of Persib fans –

News Indonesian Ligue 1: Manuel Perez Cascallana has a positive impression after the first game in Bandung. Persib’s new assistant coach felt there was an extraordinary vibe from Maung Bandung supporters.

This man from Spain just arrived in Indonesia less than two weeks ago. His first match as Luis Milla’s assistant started when Maung Bandung visited Arema’s headquarters. Meanwhile, the home opener was played at home against Barito Putera.

After the match, he seemed to mingle immediately and seemed excited to celebrate the win with Bobotoh. The man who is familiarly called Manu said he was very impressed by the enthusiasm shown by the fans.

“It’s amazing, the fans here are amazing and now we are waiting for the next game against Persia. Of course we need people’s support, we need Bobotoh and I want the stadium to be full to support us” , he said in an interview. by the media team.

The 33-year-old said he studied Persib extensively when he was still in India. Because he was previously an assistant coach at the Mohun Bagan ATK club before finally moving to Bandung.

Cascallana finally experienced Bobotoh’s fanaticism when he arrived in Bandung. He admits that the club he currently plays for is a club with a high reputation. Therefore, he feels happy to be part of this team.

“This club is a very big club. I have just arrived, but in India, I heard information about Persib Bandung. When I arrived, I felt that it was indeed a very, very big club. Of course, I’m happy to be here in Persib,” he continued.

Cascallana’s popularity in Bandung immediately surged as he is now Bobotoh’s object for taking pictures or being asked for autographs. It’s not a new experience, but the fanaticism and enthusiasm of Bandung fans is felt more than ever before.

“Yes, I felt that before, in India I had that experience. But here it’s amazing, it’s crazy. People love football so much and I’m very happy,” he said. he concluded.

Article tags: Manuel Perez Cascallana, Persib

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Cheryl Tenny

"Thinker. Food advocate. Incurable coffee enthusiast. Communicator. Proud student. Zombie buff. Tv fanatic. Extreme troublemaker."

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