Disabled mourners blew up on the day of Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral, queues open until closing

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Burial Queen Elizabeth II in the presence of many mourners from the group People with Disabilities. The arrival of these disabled mourners meandered up to 2 miles from the hall of Westminster Abbey. This growing number of mourners with disabilities has led the UK Department for Culture, Media and Sport to close the special queue for mourners with disabilities for one day on Friday evening 17 September 2022.

“The state-accessible queue has exceeded capacity and is now permanently closed,” read a press release on the official website of the UK Department for Digital Culture, Media and Sport. The GuardianSaturday September 17, 2022.

The special disabled grieving queue is full as there are no special arrangements enforced by officers. It is therefore strongly suspected that he was involved in the queue of non-disabled mourners. The reason for this is that when queuing in this special queue, mourners are not asked to provide proof of their disability ID.

“The best way should be to open an offer to buy tickets online or show proof of disability ID to queue in that queue,” said Matt Batten, a director of communications with a disability. 44 year old who joined the queue for The Guardian.

Several mourners admitted that they had not received information about the allocation of the government queue. Mourners with disabilities said they receive special information about the queue from social media, such as Twitter.

Before the disabled mourners queue was closed, the UK Department for Digital Culture, Media and Sport had established a one-line rule for one mourner and their companion only. However, many mourners come in large groups and line up in special queues for the disabled.

As well as being a priority for people with disabilities, the UK government also allows the use of the queue by elderly people and veterans. According to reports The Guardian, many seniors were present at the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II. They had come from far enough to pay them their last respects.

Some elders came in formal wear and brought their medals of appreciation. For those mourners with disabilities and the elderly, the government provides special chairs and toilets around the queue.


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Cheryl Tenny

"Thinker. Food advocate. Incurable coffee enthusiast. Communicator. Proud student. Zombie buff. Tv fanatic. Extreme troublemaker."

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