Mauritius: Agaléga will not serve as a military base for India, according to government

The tiny Mauritius island of Agaléga will not serve as a back base for Indian troops according to the twin island government. However, and given the scale of the project, Agaléens doubted it.

What is the future of Agaléga? This question has been repeated since 2018 and the start of a big work to change the archipelago of Mauritius located in the north-northeast of Madagascar.

Officially, the construction of a 3 km long landing strip, which can accommodate Boeing 737s, from large pontoons that allow to unload tons of goods and the construction of a hundred barracks is not intended for the establishment of rear bases for the Indian army.

However, the 250 residents of Agaléga are very worried: “It where we are, our people believe that it is a military base. He was worried. What will be his fate? My heart is heavy, that, it touches. We want to know what will happen to us.” explains Franco Boulay, an Agaléga native living in Port-Louis.

The runway, pontoons and barracks represent an investment of $87 million from the Indian government. Locals claim that thousands of laborers come and go and are watched over by representatives of the Indian army. Ivor Tan Yan, lawyer and negotiator who serves Agaléens is concerned: “The government lied to the population about the reality of the project and especially the most serious debt the country had with India. Our biggest donor is India.” lawyers believe that Mauritius is financially dependent on India.

To illustrate this statement, RFI write : “While controversy continues around the reality of this project, last July, the Ministry of Finance confirmed another agreement between the two countries. Mauritius contracted a $100 million credit from India for the purchase of Indian-made defense materials.”

Serena Hoyles

"Twitter junkie. Hipster-friendly bacon expert. Beer ninja. Reader. Communicator. Explorer. Passionate alcohol geek."

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