IWG produces plan to increase infrastructure technology funding

Jakarta (ANTARA) – The G20 Infrastructure Working Group has produced deliverables in the form of a master plan to increase funding for InfraTech and quality infrastructure investment (QII) indicators.

Both documents were finalized during the fourth meeting of the G20 IWG which discussed six main agendas, namely investment in sustainable infrastructure, social inclusion and regional inequalities, post-pandemic transformative infrastructure, QII Indicators, Digital and InfraTech Infrastructure, and Global Infrastructure Governance. Hub (IG Hub).

“The two documents should be a contribution for G20 member countries to encourage investments in digitized and quality infrastructure,” said the head of the Communications and Information Services Bureau of the Ministry of Finance, Rahayu Puspasari. , in an official statement in Jakarta on Friday.

The two documents deliverables it will be endorsed at the Forum of Finance Ministers and Central Banks of the G20 (FMCBG) in October 2022.

The Indonesian G20 Presidency ahead of the fourth meeting of the IWG also organized a seminar on “promoting investment in sustainable and inclusive infrastructure” to encourage the implementation of deliverables IWG in achieving regional infrastructure development, through the presentation of existing case studies and how these can be replicated.

“Therefore, infrastructure development is not only quantity-driven, but also sustainable, inclusive and capable of reducing regional disparities,” he said.

The solution deliverables Of all the major agendas in the infrastructure sector, Indonesia’s G20 Presidency 2022 is the result of good cooperation with G20 member countries and various international organizations.

Although not binding (without engagement) and voluntarily (volunteer), deliverables It is hoped that it can be implemented in member countries and bring tangible contributions and benefits towards the achievement of the common goals of the G20,”Recover together, recover stronger“.

“This effort is also a commitment of the incoming Chairmanship held by India in line with the priorities and meeting agenda presented at the end of the fourth IWG meeting,” he said.

This news was broadcast on Antaranews.com with the title: IWG produces plan to increase infrastructure technology funding

Jordan Carlson

"Zombie geek. Beer trailblazer. Avid bacon advocate. Extreme introvert. Unapologetic food evangelist. Internet lover. Twitter nerd."

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