5 famous cities discovered by Alexander the Great

INDONESIAN EYE, JAKARTA – Not only master, Alexander the Great during his travels is known to find more than 20 cities which he then changed to his name.

His mission is to go to the end of the world. He passed through various places in Egypt, from Greece to India. In these places he managed to establish a new Hellenistic (Greek) civilization.

Unfortunately, the chef did not have a long life. However, during his life he managed to find many cities and some are still standing today.

1. Alexandria ad Aegyptum: the preserved relics of Alexander

It is the most famous city of Alexander. It is located on the Mediterranean coast. Initially this place was intended to be the center of the new empire of Alexander the Great, unfortunately he died before that happened.

The city later became the property of Ptolemy I Soter, Alexander’s favorite general. Eventually, the city became a major economic and cultural center. Magnificent architecture and a place that has attracted many philosophers, artists and scientists.

Until the 4th century BC, this city was strong. It just started to decay after the tsunami in 365 BC. The development of the Romans and Islam was the cause of the destruction of this city. Alexandria was not considered important again until the 19th century.

2. Alexandria ad Issum: gateway to the Mediterranean

The city existed in 333 BC after the Macedonian army faced an attack from Darius. The city became a Macedonian war base and was connected to Asia Minor as well as Egypt.

Thus, the city was an excellent crossroads for trade in the Mediterranean. The port was located in present-day Iskenderun Bay. Because this city was very prosperous, Alexander’s successors had time to establish 2 other cities. Although it has experienced setbacks, this city still exists today.

3. Alexandria (Daei Caucasus)

In 392 BC. BC, against the last Achaemenid king, Alexander fought his way through Afghanistan to attack them. On their way they crossed the trade route between India in the East with Bactra and Drapsaca.

It was there that he managed to establish this city. This town had inhabitants before they moved out and left a few.

This city has become a commercial center. After joining the Maurya Empire, the city entered its golden age. They produce a variety of things including coins, cutlery, statues and more.

The remains of this city now lie beneath the Bagram naval base in eastern Afghanistan.

4. Alexandria Arachosia: A City in the River Region

With Alexander the Great, he took his troops around the world. Along the way, they encountered Arachosia, which means “rich in water”, in 329 BC.

The location is perfect. Near the commercial area with access paths to the mountain as well as to the river. This city originally belonged to Seleucus I Nicator. After that, Alexander the Great gave it to Chandragupta Maurya in thanks for helping him during the war.

Later, the city became the territory of the Hellenistic Greco-Bactrians until 120-100 BC. Today, the city is known as Kandahar in Afghanistan. The name of the inventor of this city comes from the words “Iskandriya” or “Alexander” in Arabic and Persian.

5. Alexandria Oxiana

Another of Alexander’s most important cities was Alexandria Oxiana or Alexandria on the Oxus (its name is now the Amu Darya River). The city emerged in 328 BC at the end of their rule in Persia.

It seems that this city is an ancient city that was rediscovered after the Achaemenid era. Several centuries after the discovery of this city, Alexandria Oxiana became an Eastern city with a strong Hellenistic culture. And was an important capital of the Greco-Bactrian Empire.

Researchers found the ruins of this city on the Afghan-Kyrgyz border. Its various relics abound with Greek culture such as education and sports. Theatre, propylaea, also a library of Greek books.

But according to the results, the city is quite advanced and prosperous. They had great art and magnificent architecture in their heyday. Unfortunately, this city was destroyed in 145 BC and has never been rebuilt until now.

In addition to this area, the city which is also probably Alexandria Oxiana is in the region of Uzbekistan due to the similarity of artifacts and coins. However, there is no evidence of Hellenistic culture.

From these cities, Alexander the Great proved his expertise in leading and controlling various regions.

Once again people understand that Alexander the Great was not just the ruler of the empire. But he also discovered cities that left behind great cultures.

Author: Deandra Alika Hefandia

Cheryl Tenny

"Thinker. Food advocate. Incurable coffee enthusiast. Communicator. Proud student. Zombie buff. Tv fanatic. Extreme troublemaker."

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