Aceh Athlete PON Pelatda Wins Silver at Malaysian Open Chess Championship 2022, Same Points as Champion

Saifullah Report | Banda Aceh

SERAMBINEWS.COM, BANDA ACEH – An assisted chess athlete from KONI Aceh, the National Master (MN) Sarmadoli who was prepared for the National Week of Sports Aceh-North Sumatra (PON) 2024, won a silver medal in the International Championship titled “17th IGB Dato’ Arthur Tan Malaysia Open Chess Championship 2022”.

Sarmadoli, who is one of the four athletes in the Aceh PON Pelatda team, managed to become the runner-up in the Malaysian Open Chess Championship in the Challenger Class.

Sarmadoli gained 7.5 MP (Matcth Point) from the results of the 9 rounds he played.

The value of 7.5 MP obtained by Sarmadoli is actually the same as that of the winner of the event, namely Ng Jun Fung Isaac from Malaysia (7.5 MP).

However, according to Solkof’s calculations, the Malaysian athlete had 51.5 to 48, so Sarmadoli had to settle for a silver medal.

National master Sarmadoli earned a score of 7.5 MP after winning 7 games and drawing once against Ng Jun Fung Isaac.

Read also: Aceh Chess Athletes Pelatda Win Malaysian Gold and Silver, MN Irwandi Gold and MN Sarmadoli Silver

The championship itself brought together 144 chess players from a number of countries, namely India, Australia, Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore, Finland, Indonesia and Malaysia host.

Aceh Chess Team Coach PON Pelatda, Dian Maulana, SIP, PNP, (Monday (9/12/2022) said the ’17th IGB Dato’ Arthur Tan Malaysia Open Chess Championship 2022″ will is contested in three categories, namely the Open Category, Challengers and Seniors or Veterans Class.

“We (athletes from Aceh) only compete in Open and Challenger categories. For Open, two athletes will be downgraded, namely FM Zulkhairi with an elo rating (2284) and MN Irwandi, who does not yet have an elo rating. international elo rating,” he explained.

Cheryl Tenny

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