Indonesia hands over G20 digital innovation network to India

DRAWING. Director General of Computer Applications at the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemenkominfo) Semuel Abrijani Pangerapan. BETWEEN PHOTOS/Aditya Pradana Putra/HP..

Journalist: Handoyo | Editor: Handoyo.

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Indonesia is handing over the baton for the implementation of the G20 Digital Innovation Network (DIN) in 2023 to India.

“Hopefully the same event will be continued by India’s G20 Presidency. Hopefully there will be a continuation of all our efforts in organizing the event that took place from September 2 to 4, today, in the upcoming presidency,” said the General Manager of Applications of the Information at the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Semuel A. Pangerapan.

According to Semuel, if India’s G20 Presidency does not continue, Indonesia will change the name of the event which is still being finalized. With the principle of transforming business activities in the digital age.

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“If India continues, we will change our name. Next year, maybe the name Digital Innovation Network will be different because it is already attached to the establishment of the G20,” he explained.

Samuel presented a program to facilitate start digital technology will become the annual agenda of the Ministry of Communication and IT.

“To help start in Indonesia and the countries that support it. So we can collaborate to create better solutions and innovations,” he said.

Meanwhile, Indian Foreign Ministry Deputy Secretary Naman Upadhyaya hailed Indonesia’s G20 DIN implementation. According to him, the event provided a new perspective on the ecosystem start and the development of digital innovation amid global digital transformation.

“So much presence start and venture capitalists in this DIN event demonstrate the success of organizing the digital innovation network, and I would like to comment and congratulate Indonesia for the successful organization,” he said.

Read also : Minister of Communication and Information: startups participating in DIN G20 are on average in the Series A funding phase

Upadhyaya said India’s G20 Presidency next year will also raise several topics that Indonesia will bring to Indonesia’s G20 Presidency in 2022, especially regarding digital transformation.

“Topics for discussion include digital technology innovation, cybersecurity and digital security, digital connectivity and digital literacy,” he said.

Through the discussion, the Indian government hopes that there will be more ideas and solutions to address global challenges in the current era of digitalization.

“On behalf of the Government of India and the people of India, I welcome you all to India next year to come and innovate,” said the Deputy Secretary of the Indian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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Jordan Carlson

"Zombie geek. Beer trailblazer. Avid bacon advocate. Extreme introvert. Unapologetic food evangelist. Internet lover. Twitter nerd."

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