The 10 most subscribed YouTube channels in India

  • YouTube is a home for creative individuals and businesses that publish video content to a wide audience.
  • The social media platform for sharing videos is the second most visited website in the world after Google search site.
  • Business Insider India provides an overview of the top 10 most subscribed YouTube channels in India.

With over 2.6 million monthly active users, YouTube is now the world’s largest social media and online video sharing platform. YouTube has had an unprecedented impact on society, significantly influencing internet trends and popular culture.

Most content on YouTube is created by individual registered users. Also, a long list of well-known media companies have their own YouTube channels to reach a larger audience.

YouTube has spawned hundreds of multi-millionaires and celebrities who have used the platform to showcase their creative talents while making money in the process. YouTube’s incredible potential to monetize video content of various types has prompted millions of individuals and businesses to create their own independent channels on the platform. Here is an overview of the top 10 YouTube channels with the most subscribers in India.

Sybil Alvarez

"Incurable gamer. Infuriatingly humble coffee specialist. Professional music advocate."

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