Russia begins military maneuvers with 50,000 troops: these countries participate

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From: Moritz serif

Russia launched a multi-day military maneuver. Ironically, China and India that have not condemned the Ukraine war are there.

Moscow – Since the breakup Ukrainian War is Russia almost isolated from the west. Now the Kremlin wants to show solidarity with other countries. President Vladimir Putin Land has launched a large-scale military exercise involving more than 50,000 troops. Recently, there was a report that the morale of the Russian troops is low.

In particular, the Ukrainian Himars rocket launcher will have an impact on the combat readiness of the armed forces. The morale in the Cherson area is “depressing”. That’s where it starts Ukraine is currently on a counterattack and wants to reclaim territory. The Kremlin is also said to have difficulty recruiting new soldiers.

Russia begins military maneuvers: China and India participate

Thus, the maneuver also has a symbolic effect. The nearly week-long exercise was held in the east, thousands of miles from the battle. According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, countries such as China, India and Mongolia as well as several former Soviet republics, notably Belarus. Noisy Moscow Times take Laos, Mongolia, Nicaragua and Algeria Syria also take part in the maneuver. Russia continues to secede from the West.

Vladimir Putin watches military maneuvers with soldiers from China and India in 2019 (archive photo). © Alexei Nikolsky/image alliance/dpa

According to Moscow, 5,000 military vehicles, 140 aircraft and 60 other warships and ships will be used in the exercise “Vostok 2022” (“East 2022”). The maneuvers will be carried out in military training areas in Eastern Siberia and the Far East, as well as in the Sea of ​​Japan.

China and India’s participation in military maneuvers attracts attention

In particular, the participation of China and India in the maneuver attracted attention in the West. Relations between the world’s two most populous nations and nuclear powers have been strained since a military incident on their common border in the Himalayas two years ago that killed several people.

India has entered ukraine conflict always declared neutral and announced that he had good relations with Western countries and Russia. Most of India’s military equipment comes from Russia, and India is also part of the Indo-Pacific Quad security alliance with United States of America, Japan and Australia. So far, India and China have not condemned Russia’s war of aggression. (mse/dpa)

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