Maurice Delage, Back from Travel

From India to Japan

It wasn’t easy at that time to Maurice Delage to learn about music and culture from elsewhere as we can today with new technology. This is why in 1912, Maurice Delage went to India with his rich father to listen to the music made there. In a letter he sent to Journal of the Independent Music Society, dated from Ceylon on March 4, 1912, Maurice Delage tries to relate what he heard during his trip to India. “I would like to do a more complete study of the music of the different Hindus, whose inner charm I began to feel, he wrote. You cannot separate it from the soul of the people, from the sky and from color. First, it must be admitted that Hindu Art in basically emotional and direct, full of honesty and freedom and so old that the “body” of the 64 melodies that Temple-appointed performers have to know has been around since 2000 years”.
This trip will be the first of many that will allow our composers to survey Asia and maintain many of his own compositions such as “four hindu poetry” or “Seven Hai-Kai translated from Japanese“.

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Music programming

Maurice Delage (1879-1961)
Four Hindu Poems (1912) III. Benares (anonymous poem) “At that time the coming of the Buddha was announced on earth”
Martha Angelici, soprano, instrumental ensemble, director André Cluytens
Erato 01902958866918

Maurice Delage (1879-1961)
Four Hindu Poems (1912) IV. Jeypur (Bhartrihari verse 73) “If you think of him, you experience painful torments”
Martha Angelici, soprano, instrumental ensemble, director André Cluytens
Erato 01902958866918

Maurice Delage (1879-1961)
Four Hindu Poems (1912) I. Madras (Bhartrihari verse 22) “A beautiful woman with slender waist walks under the forest trees”
Martha Angelici, soprano, instrumental ensemble, director André Cluytens
Erato 01902958866918

Traditional North Indian
Sports. Alap-jhor-jhala
Gopal Krishan, vichitra vina
Ocora Radio France C 5600048/49

Maurice Delage (1879-1961)
Four Hindu Poems (1912) II. Lahore (poem by Henri Heine) “A cypress tree stands on the arid northern mountain”
Martha Angelici, soprano, instrumental ensemble, director André Cluytens
Erato 01902958866918

Arnold Schoenberg (1874-1951)
Pierrot lunaire (1912) X. Raub (poem by Albert Giraud, translated into German by Otto Erich Hartleben)
Ilona Steingruber, soprano, instrumental ensemble, conductor Vladimir Golschmann
Vanguard Classic SVC 145

Maurice Delage (1879-1961)
Four Hindu Poems (1912) II. Lahore (poem by Henri Heine) “A cypress tree stands on the arid northern mountain”
Martha Angelici, soprano, instrumental ensemble, director André Cluytens
Erato 01902958866918

Maurice Delage (1879-1961)
Seven Haï-Kaïs, translated from Japanese (1923) I. Foreword du Kokinshiou
Felicity Lott, soprano, Paris Chamber Ensemble, conductor Armin Jordan
Aria 592300

Maurice Delage (1879-1961)
Seven Haï-Kaïs, translated from Japanese (1923) II. Forgotten Herbs
Felicity Lott, soprano, Paris Chamber Ensemble, conductor Armin Jordan
Aria 592300

Maurice Delage (1879-1961)
Seven Haï-Kaïs, translated from Japanese (1923) III. Rooster
Felicity Lott, soprano, Paris Chamber Ensemble, conductor Armin Jordan
Aria 592300

Maurice Delage (1879-1961)
Seven Haï-Kaïs, translated from Japanese (1923) IV. Little turtle Felicity Lott, soprano, Paris Chamber Ensemble, conductor Armin Jordan
Aria 592300

Maurice Delage (1879-1961)
Seven Haï-Kaïs, translated from Japanese (1923) V. Autumn moon Felicity Lott, soprano, Paris Chamber Ensemble, conductor Armin Jordan
Aria 592300

Maurice Delage (1879-1961)
Seven Haï-Kaïs, translated from Japanese (1923) VI. So Felicity Lott, soprano, Paris Chamber Ensemble, conductor Armin Jordan
Aria 592300

Maurice Delage (1879-1961)
Seven Haï-Kaïs, translated from Japanese (1923) VII. summer Felicity Lott, soprano, Paris Chamber Ensemble, conductor Armin Jordan
Aria 592300

Serena Hoyles

"Twitter junkie. Hipster-friendly bacon expert. Beer ninja. Reader. Communicator. Explorer. Passionate alcohol geek."

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