Badminton India asks its players to focus on one sector –

Badminton News: The Badminton Association of India (BAI) has asked national team players not to participate in many tournaments in the future.

In a circular issued by General Secretary Sanjay Mishra to all affiliated state associations, the national sports body wants players to remain in one sector.

The association found that most top players are still playing in multiple events at home and abroad. Senior BAI officials do not want players to mix up their events. The governing body wants players to play singles or doubles so they can focus on their best sector to produce good performances.

“We are hereby informed that players are selected for TOPS Core Group, National Camp and Development Group based on their performance in the Senior National Selection Event held in Delhi from 15th to April 20, 2022 in singles, doubles. , and mixed doubles, Badminton Association of India has made the decision based on the advice of Head Coach and SAI-TOPS that the players selected for the singles will not play only in singles and that those selected for pairs will only play in singles pairing events in all national and international tournaments.”

BAI makes decisions to ensure long-term goals

The Association believes that if a player may participate in more than one event, his performance may be affected. Several national team players continue to play singles and doubles in national and international tournaments.

“The above decision was taken to ensure the achievement of the long-term goals set by BAI and SAI-TOPS. This way, players can concentrate and continue their training in the event of their choice, singles or doubles.

Many badminton experts hail the move and believe it will definitely benefit Indian badminton in the long run.

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Cheryl Tenny

"Thinker. Food advocate. Incurable coffee enthusiast. Communicator. Proud student. Zombie buff. Tv fanatic. Extreme troublemaker."

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