Earth Overshoot Day 2022 – Until the end of the year, humanity is now living “on credit” with nature

Earth Overshoot Day: The world has run out of resources for the year. (alliance/dpa image | Carsten Koall)

By the July 28 deadline, for the year 2022 humanity has used up all the resources that the planet could naturally replace in a year. Given current consumption, the world population actually needs 1.75 earths. Federal Development Minister Schulze (SPD) stressed that industrialized countries in particular were part of the problem. Europe, for example, should no longer allow itself to cause environmental destruction and human rights abuses in other parts of the world through consumption, the SPD politician said.

Germany consumes significantly more resources

On an individual basis, Germany has depleted the natural resource reserves to which it is entitled for the current year in early May. If all countries wanted to be as frugal as Germany, three earths would be needed. Still much worse than the Federal Republic Japanese, Italian, Swiss and China there. However, even India and the United States manage natural resources better than Germany; but even these countries would need nearly three earths to make ends meet every year – if they couldn’t “cross-subsidize” their consumption at the expense of other countries.

Who counted Earth Overshoot Days?

Organization “Global Footprint Network“, based in California, calculates the so-called ecological footprint every year and thus clarifies the ecological boundaries of the planet. Since 1970, the symbolic date of Earth Overshoot Day has advanced. If the day in 2000 was September 23, it would already be 2021 on 29 July This year has moved one day ahead.
If the world’s population permanently lives on a planetary possibility, this will lead to, among other things, a decrease in biodiversity, an excess of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and an increase in competition for resources. food and energyenvironmentalists warn.

How can resources be used more efficiently?

Organization “Global Footprint Network” name three examples that can mathematically lead to more sustainable development:

– Halving global food waste will push World Work Day back by 13 days.

– A worldwide bicycle infrastructure at its current level in the Netherlands could delay World Overshoot Day by nine more days.

– Wind power plants such as in Denmark and Germany can postpone World Overshoot Day by up to 10 days.

However, overall and from a global perspective, much broader and broader measures will be required for the tally to add up at the end of each year.

This message was broadcast on Deutschlandfunk on July 28, 2022.

Ambrose Fernandez

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