This is the secret of why Indians are good at computers, this could be an example


Pichai Sundarajan, better known as Sundar Pichai, is the CEO of Google. Photo/ist

JAKARTA – Talk about Technology and coding, the first thing that comes to many people’s minds must be Indians.

Don’t be surprised if you are looking for tutorials or lessons Programming on YouTube, dominated by English-speaking Indians, but their country accent is still strong.

Not only that, Indians are also often found in programmer forums discussing solutions and support on computer world .

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So what is the reason they can be so good at the computer world? Learn more here!

1. Skilled training

Apart from having good English skills, Indians also do not hesitate to migrate to the United States to continue their computer training.

Generally, they will go on to study at top universities in the United States, such as MIT.

According to Immigrant Data, India is one of the most educated countries in the United States.

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Jordan Carlson

"Zombie geek. Beer trailblazer. Avid bacon advocate. Extreme introvert. Unapologetic food evangelist. Internet lover. Twitter nerd."

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