BJP accuses Sonia Gandhi of plotting to destabilize the state of Gujarat in 2002

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In India, the ruling BJP party targeted Sonia Gandhi, president of Congress, the main opposition party. He is accused, along with others, of plotting to destabilize the state of Gujarat when Prime Minister Narendra Modi was its chief minister. The main opposition party, Congress, claimed to be the victim of the false accusations.

With our correspondent in Bangalore, Como Bastin

On June 26, activist Teesta Setalvad was taken by counter-terrorism police to Ahmedabad, the capital of Gujarat. Police accused him of inciting Narendra Modi by seeking to hold him accountable for the unrest that took place under his rule in the state.

It is from the same elements in charge of the Gujarat Special Investigations Cell that Sonia Gandhi is threatened today. According to the BJP, the President of the Congress met with the activists in secret and paid him huge sums to tarnish Gujarat’s image.

Another Member of Parliament will take the wallet. The late Congressman Ahmed Patel is also said to have been involved in this “conspiracy”.

Nearly a thousand people, mostly Muslims, died in 2002 during the riots in Gujarat. Narendra Modi has since been regularly accused of remaining passive, but acquitted by the Supreme Court.

Congress called the Gujarat Police allegations “fabricated”. According to the main opposition party, Narendra Modi seeks to absolve himself of all responsibility for the 2002 massacre, through a strategy of systematic harassment of all his critics.

Read also: Anti-Muslim massacre in Gujarat: a famous Indian activist arrested

Serena Hoyles

"Twitter junkie. Hipster-friendly bacon expert. Beer ninja. Reader. Communicator. Explorer. Passionate alcohol geek."

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