UAW presidential candidate Will Lehman speaks at a gathering of Ford workers in India and Germany

Will Lehman, is a Mack Trucks worker in Macungie, Pennsylvania, and a UAW (United Auto Workers) presidential candidate. He spoke to Ford India and Germany workers at a meeting on Sunday organized by the Workers Alliance of the International Ratings and Files Committee (IWA-RFC) against the plant shutdown.

Will Lehman, worker at Mack Trucks in Macungie, Pennsylvania, and UAW presidential candidate.

Lehman emerged to advance an uprising by members of the UAW against a bloated union bureaucracy and to build power in the shops. His participation in international gatherings of Ford workers from threatened factories in Tamil Nadu, India, and Saarlouis, Germany, underscores that the basis of his campaign is the struggle for international unification of the working class against the onslaught of jobs and living standards by Ford and other transnational auto giants.

In each country, the greatest obstacle to a unified struggle is the nationalist and pro-capitalist trade union bureaucracy, which has imposed one concession after another in the name of the competitiveness of their “own” capitalist enterprises and the so-called “protection” of jobs. This policy only pitted one section of workers against another in a fratricidal race to the bottom and never saved a single job. In the United States, the number of hourly workers at Ford has fallen from 191,400 in 1978 to just 55,000 in 2021.

Lehman was invited to the meeting to talk about the importance of his campaign for the UAW presidency. He made the following statement, translated into German and Tamil.

Serena Hoyles

"Twitter junkie. Hipster-friendly bacon expert. Beer ninja. Reader. Communicator. Explorer. Passionate alcohol geek."

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