India fires missiles at Pakistan until Trump likes the dictator

New Delhi: India claims to have accidentally fired a missile at Pakistan. The news became one of the most popular stories on the international channel on Saturday March 12, 2022.

The other two most popular stories are calls for young Asians and Africans to come together to face a world war and Donald Trump’s son who says his father doesn’t really like world dictators.

Here’s more:

India accidentally fires missiles at Pakistan

India said the accidental firing of the missile happened following a “technical failure” during routine maintenance. “This incident is deeply regrettable and we have no casualties,” the Indian government said in a statement.

The Pakistani military said: “A high-speed flying object crashed near the eastern town of Mian Channu and its flight path endangered passenger flights.”

The two neighboring countries are known to be often involved in tensions. They are widely known to possess nuclear weapons.

What else did India say about this incident? Check in full here.

Young Asians and Africans Must Unite to Face World War

The Chairman of the Asian African Youth Government (AAYG), Sadam Al Jihad, invites young people from Asia and Africa to unite and rise in the midst of global dynamics. The war between Russia and Ukraine is the one we have to face today.

This was conveyed by Sadam during an international webinar on “Fostering the Soft Diplomacy Strategy to Strengthen Global Cooperation in the Asia-Africa Region”.

According to him, AAYG should be a platform for young leaders from Asia and Africa to promote world peace.

What else did Saddam say regarding the current global geopolitical situation? Check in full here.

Donald Trump Jr. says his father claims to like dictator figures

Donald Trump Jr. now claims that his father, Donald Trump, pretends to like some of the world’s dictators. However, the public did not believe it.

“He knows exactly how to play these guys,” the son of former US President Donald Trump said in a video.

“He was ‘playing’ them all like a fiddle,” Trump Jr. said.

Who are the dictatorship figures Trump has long considered a favourite? Check in full here.


Jordan Carlson

"Zombie geek. Beer trailblazer. Avid bacon advocate. Extreme introvert. Unapologetic food evangelist. Internet lover. Twitter nerd."

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