“In India, Hindu nationalists are rewriting history to legitimize Hindu preeminence”

Romila Thapar, professor emeritus at Jawaharlal-Nehru University in Delhi, is one of the best specialists in ancient Indian history. He is the founder of Indian archeology, the author of about twenty books devoted specifically to the struggle to rewrite history by India’s ruling Hindu nationalists.

What is hindutva, structuring ideology Narendra Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party, the dominant political power in India?

Hindutva [hindouité ou indianité] assimilated with Hinduism, but this identification is not unanimous. Not the same as Hinduism. Hindutva is a form in which certain aspects of Hinduism are used for political purposes.

The Hindutva definition of a Hindu was formulated in the 20th centurye century and not in any ancient text. A Hindu is someone whose ancestors were born on the Indian border, and whose religion – Hinduism – also originates from this border. This definition has been formulated before 1947, it can be concluded that the border is the border of British India. Therefore, they will cover Muslim-majority areas such as Pakistan and Bangladesh.

Therefore, non-Hindus are “others”, born outside India or practicing a religion that was also born outside India. They are foreigners. The Hindus are the original inhabitants, their lineage goes back to the Aryans. Therefore they have the advantage. This definition mainly excludes Muslims, Christians. Hindu nationalists must enforce this vision of history because this is what legitimizes the primacy of Hindus.

Is this why there is such polarization around mosques today in India?

The phenomenon of conversion or destruction of sacred places is not new and has happened in the past. It is also not specific to India as it is observed elsewhere in the world, for example in the Hagia Sophia in Turkey.

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Temples and mosques are places of worship. They are also affirmations of power. These monuments represent the religious feelings, wealth and power of certain sections of society.

Due to the relationship established by the Mughal [dynasties d’empereurs musulmans] with Rajputs [dynasties princières du nord de l’Inde] and other local political elites, many temples and mosques are trapped in complex political and social relations, and respond to religious considerations about some communities. Historians know that the texts mention Hindus holding official and prominent positions in the Mughal government, that some were granted land grants, and that Hindu merchants prospered.

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