South Asia – Indian elections end – Prime Minister Modi likely to win – Politics

New Delhi (dpa) – In India, parliamentary elections have ended after more than six weeks. The last polling stations closed in the evening (local time), but the results are not expected until June 4. According to opinion polls, Prime Minister Narendra Modi is likely to get a third term and will serve for another five years. His party, the BJP, is pursuing a strong Hindu nationalist path.

Critics and the opposition fear that if Modi's party is re-elected, he will try to change the constitution to further consolidate those policies. It remains to be seen whether the BJP can expand its majority in parliament. Modi will be his country's second head of government to serve a third term – after first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru.

In total, in the world's biggest elections – the country is the world's most populous country, slightly more than China – around one billion eligible voters have been called since mid-April to vote in several stages on the occupation of the lower house. national parliament, which has more than 500 seats. More than 8,000 candidates took part. The final polling stations in the giant South Asian kingdom closed on Saturday at 18.00 local time (14.30 CEST).

India is now the fifth largest economic power

Modi presented himself as a strong man during the election campaign and demonstrated strong economic growth that attracted investors. Under his leadership, the subcontinent has become the fifth largest economic power in the world. Under Modi's government, India became the fourth country to land on the moon. He also invested heavily in modern infrastructure such as roads, express trains, and airports. However, growth is uneven. During the election campaign, Modi's critics pointed to high unemployment and inflation.

The 73-year-old Modi and his party want to expand their power with the aim of making India a predominantly Hindu country, accounting for 80 percent of the population. According to observers, around 200 million Muslims and other religious minorities are increasingly becoming second-class citizens. Modi's promise is a radical departure from the vision of India's founder, Mahatma Gandhi, who once advocated separation of state and religion and harmony between religions.

The election was accompanied by a strong heat wave: temperatures of around 50 degrees were measured in northern India. Heat strokes, some of them fatal, occurred – including among election workers, as local media reported, citing authorities.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:240601-99-238920/2

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