Jewish organizations call on Amazon to remove film showing couple using Auschwitz as 'therapy'

Bawaal director Nitesh Tiwari at the screening of his film Dangal at the 48th Indian International Film Festival, in Panaji, Goa on November 23, 2017. Photo: Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (GODL-India)/ via Wikimedia Commons.

Bawaal is a film directed by Nitesh Tiwari, produced in Bollywood and recently premiered on the streaming platform Amazon. Although it is a classic melodramatic film, parts of its plot have received strong criticism from several Jewish community organizations.

The film stars a couple who, at a time when their relationship is in crisis, decide to visit the Auschwitz concentration camp. While there, the couple imagined what it would be like if they themselves were prisoners there.

They even met a survivor who told them, without explicitly referring to the Holocaust or Jews, that “almost every relationship has its own Auschwitz.”

From the premiere, there were certain scenes that caught the audience's attention. At the end of the journey, the pair imagine themselves as prisoners, in striped uniforms. Walk past the gas chamber, where the woman rots in fear.

The Simon Wiesenthal Center, a Jewish human rights organization, called on Amazon to remove the film from its platform. The organization considers that the film makes “excessive misuse of the Nazi Holocaust as part of its plot.”

On the other hand, he received similar criticism from the specialized press. Newspaper Hindustan Times He defined it as “the most insensitive film of the year”. Furthermore, he noted that the scenes in the gas chambers demonstrated that the Holocaust was little more than a “narrative scapegoat”.

Meanwhile, the director emphasized that there were no bad intentions behind the film. On the contrary, for him Bawaal reflects the thrill and horror that Auschwitz produces in every visitor today.

Garfield Woolery

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