Using AI technology, Microsoft warns of China's efforts to disrupt 2024 elections in the United States, South Korea and India

JAKARTA – Microsoft has warned that China is trying to interfere with the 2024 elections in the United States, South Korea (South Korea) and India using artificial intelligence (AI) content.

Chinese-backed cyber groups targeting interference in the 2024 elections are also believed to be involved in the effort, according to a report released today by the US tech company's team.

Quote The GuardianOn Friday (April 5), Microsoft said that “at a minimum” China would create and distribute AI-generated content through social media in an effort to strengthen its position in elections in a number of countries.

Microsoft added that the impact of AI-generated content is small but its development cannot be predicted.

“Even if the impact of content on its influence on the viewers “Still small, but China's growing experiments in expanding memes, video and audio will continue – and may prove effective in the future,” Microsoft said.

In its report, Microsoft said China carried out an AI-generated disinformation mission during Taiwan's presidential election in January 2024. Microsoft said it was the first time China had seen a supported entity by the state using AI-generated content to attempt to influence a country. elections abroad.

A Chinese-backed cybergroup called Storm 1376, also known as Spamouflage or Dragonbridge, has been observed to be active during Taiwan's elections.

They attempted to influence the election, including uploading fake audio in a YouTube video showing Taiwanese presidential candidate Terry Gou – who withdrew in November – supporting another candidate. Microsoft said the video was likely generated by AI.

However, YouTube quickly removed the content before it was widely viewed. the viewers.

Tag: artificial intelligence artificial intelligence american elections election 2024 south korea united states india

Jordan Carlson

"Zombie geek. Beer trailblazer. Avid bacon advocate. Extreme introvert. Unapologetic food evangelist. Internet lover. Twitter nerd."

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