India: Bishops call for progress that benefits everyone

At the end of their recent meeting, the Indian Bishops reminded that the country's development must be “inclusive”. Basic rights guaranteed in the constitution and the rights of minority groups “must not be weakened,” church leaders said, according to a report by the Fides news agency.

At the end of their meeting, India's 170 bishops expressed hope that India can maintain its national unity and protect democratic institutions amid the “enormous progress” it has made in recent decades. In this country of 1.4 billion people, there is a widespread impression “that our country's important democratic institutions are growing weaker, that the federal structure is under pressure and that the media is not fulfilling its role as the fourth pillar of democracy.” Religious polarization is also visible in society, which impacts the much-vaunted social harmony in the country and endangers democracy itself. According to the bishops, India's development should not only benefit “a small section of society”.

Parliamentary elections in spring 2024

The joint appeal of the bishops of all three rites represented in India (Latin, Syromalabar and Syromalabar) is addressed to the country which will hold general elections in April and May 2024. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who has been in power since 2014 and belongs to the Nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party ( BJP), will seek a third term.

Increasing intolerance towards Christians

The bishops expressed concern over growing intolerance in Indian society and attacks on Christians, who make up 2.3 percent of India's population and a third of whom – more than 20 million people – are Catholic.

A few days ago there were accusations against church representatives in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. Police have arrested Father Dominic Pinto, a Catholic priest in Lucknow Diocese, along with five Protestant priests and a layman on charges of trying to convert some Hindus to Christianity. The accusation was categorically rejected by the local church.

(fides – vn)

Ambrose Fernandez

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