Thailand and India participate in international getball championship in Jambi

Jambi (ANTARA) – Athletes from Thailand and India along with 15 Getball Indonesia provincial administrators participated in the Jambi Governor's Cup International Championship on the occasion of the 67th anniversary of Jambi Province at the hotel Rumah Kito Resort, Puri Mayang Jambi, January 25 -28, 2024.

“I would like to thank all the contingents and special ones from the two countries, Thailand and India, who participated in hosting this event,” said Governor Al Haris after the opening of the International Open Gateball Tournament in the Governor's Cup III, in Jambi, Friday.

The Jambi Governor also said that he really enjoyed holding the International Gateball Governor's Cup III open tournament in Jambi Province, and it was a very extraordinary thing because there were also many fans there.

“My thanks and appreciation to the entire organizing committee, participants, referees and all parties who took part in the preparation of the Governor's Cup III international gateball tournament which will take place from 25 to 28 January 2024 and I hope that this tournament can be the right momentum to strengthen bonds of friendship and fraternity,” said Jambi Governor Al Haris.

On this occasion, Jambi Province also particularly appreciated the participation of gateball athletes and teams from other provinces, where gateball has become increasingly popular over the years, since the first and second championships , the number of participants continued to increase and the sport grew incredibly. .

“Even though getball is a new sport in Indonesia, it has many fans, it is a simple sport but has a lot of meaning,” said Al Haris.

The Governor said that the current development of the sport of gateball is extraordinary and he is proud of it and I am very proud to be the first to see the extraordinary development of our gateball, which means that the Minister has succeeded in creating an activity and color sports for friends of Public Works.

Governor Al Haris also expressed his thanks to the special guests from the two countries who participated in the gateball tournament.

Meanwhile, Pergatsi General Vice President Jarot Widyako in his speech expressed his thanks and great appreciation for organizing the Gateball Governor Cup III open tournament which coincided with the 67th anniversary of Jambi Province.

“The international gateball championship held in Jambi has seen extraordinary development, in a short time we were able to invite two countries to participate in this championship, namely India and Thailand. We hope that at the “In the future it can be even bigger and many countries will participate,” he said.

Meanwhile, the General Manager of the Jambi Governor's Cup III Open Gateball Tournament, M Fauzi, said the Governor's Cup III International Gateball Championship was a unifying event for all national and international gateball athletes. international.

“I really appreciate and thank the contingents who participated in the open gateball tournament, this is the third international tournament and the second time it is held at the national level, so by doing evaluations we are improving this international championship” , said Fauzi.

Cheryl Tenny

"Thinker. Food advocate. Incurable coffee enthusiast. Communicator. Proud student. Zombie buff. Tv fanatic. Extreme troublemaker."

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