Monsoon kills 209 people, new flood warnings

New flood warning issued by Indian authorities this Wednesday for parts of the southern state of Kerala IndiaOr the rainy season has caused at least 209 deaths.

Heavy, even very heavy, rain is expected in the next 24 to 48 hours in certain areas of the state popular with tourists, authorities said.

More than 1.2 million people were evacuated

The death toll from the monsoon rains rose to 95 last night, while 59 people remained missing, Kerala police said. In the neighboring state of Karnatakaauthorities reported 48 deaths and 677,000 people evacuated.

In the state Gujarat And Maharashtra, in the west of the country, local media announced 66 deaths, and hundreds of thousands of people were rescued. In these four states, the monsoon season led to the evacuation of more than 1.2 million people, most of them accommodated in relief camps set up by the government.

Nearly 450 people died during the 2018 floods

Indian authorities also deployed troops to strengthen rescue services, to carry out search and rescue operations in flooded areas.

Kerala State experienced the worst flooding in a century last year, and are still recovering from the largest losses ever recorded: 50 people died, and countless highways, bridges, and railways were destroyed. The monsoon season, which is crucial for replenishing water supplies in the drought-stricken country, kills hundreds of people in India every year.

Garfield Woolery

"Award-winning travel lover. Coffee specialist. Zombie guru. Twitter fan. Friendly social media nerd. Music fanatic."

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