India has just imported the largest order in the country’s history (100,282 tons of DAP)

Adani Port, India’s main port, was a major figure in the historic achievement, importing the largest cargo. fertilizer that has ever arrived at this port. The port is the first port to achieve this feat in the history of the Asian country, local media reported.

The MV Patricia Oldendorff, docked at Adani Port, has left Jorf Lasfar Port in Morocco carrying a large cargo of DAP fertilizer. The ship docked at India’s Adani Port carrying a total of 100,282 metric tons of DAP fertilizer.

India’s port infrastructure has several historic achievements, including the delivery of the longest ship in the port via MVMSC Hamburg, on July 2 2023, which is the length of 4 football fields. Furthermore, on October 20 2023, this port achieved a record for successfully handling 4 million 20-foot Equivalent Units (TEUs) as well as other historic achievements related to the achievement of handling the movement of 40 ships in 24 hours.

After the arrival of the DAP cargo from Morocco, Rakshit Shah, Executive Director of Adani Ports said, “This port created a series of records thanks to its excellent performance. The port infrastructure, has just completed 25 years of successful operation. The port also set a record as the first port in this country which handles 16 MMT of cargo in one month. Going forward, this port will continue its positive pace and increase progress in its operations.”

Serena Hoyles

"Twitter junkie. Hipster-friendly bacon expert. Beer ninja. Reader. Communicator. Explorer. Passionate alcohol geek."

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