Depok City Government Official Information Portal

JD 08 – Dépok News
Wednesday September 13, 2023, 5:33 p.m. WIB

Construction progress of Irekap field in Cilodong District near Depok City Disrumkim. (Photo: doc. Disrumkim) – The Department of Housing and Settlements (Disrumkim) of Depok City continues to pursue the development and arrangement of sports centers and micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in three subdistricts.

Among them, Irekap Field in Cilodong District, Kukusan Field in Beji District, and Youth Field in Limo District.

Head of Depok Disrumkim City Building Management Division Suwandi said that currently the progress of the physical construction of the Irekap field in Cilodong District has reached 60 percent. For the Kukusan field in Beji district, it is already 30 percent.

“Meanwhile, for the Limo District Youth Field, there are currently still some administrative obstacles. “God willing, physical work will begin this week,” he told, Wednesday ( 09/13/23).

Even though the timing of construction is different, said Wandi, his nickname, the goal of completing the physical construction of the field remains the same, namely in December 2023. His party also regularly carries out monitoring and evaluation every week.

“On a daily basis, there is a supervisory consultant in the field. They also provide us with progress reports. So it’s always monitored,” he explained.

He said that according to the recommendations of the Feasibility Study (FS) of the Department of Youth, Sports, Culture and Tourism (Disporyata) of Depok City, a number of facilities will be built on field. These include a football pitch, grandstand, jogging track, 5-10 MSME outlets, food outlets, toilets, ATM center and parking.

“I hope that this can be completed according to the specified objective, so that the community can enjoy the facilities that have been built by the Depok City Government,” he concluded. (JD 08/ED 02)

Cheryl Tenny

"Thinker. Food advocate. Incurable coffee enthusiast. Communicator. Proud student. Zombie buff. Tv fanatic. Extreme troublemaker."

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