PM Dennis Klecker MdL: early participation in the democratic process is very beneficial

pers conference

Stuttgart, 12 October 2023

Dennis Klecker MdL: early participation in the democratic process is very beneficial

“The early participation of young people in the democratic process is very beneficial.” With these words, the spokesman for the AfD parliamentary group for youth policy Dennis Klecker MdL began his contribution to the debate in the state parliament today. “But those who voted early had no experience and were therefore guided by programs and promises. Unfortunately, the younger generation has become increasingly disillusioned as they learn over the years that many of the promises and positions in election campaigns are often empty promises. An important approach, especially for young people, is the AfD’s basic demand: the demand for more direct democracy based on the Swiss model. Factual issues are easier to decide and vote on.”

Today’s young people see politics full of contradictions and double standards, and they experience futile politics and at the same time do nothing, Klecker said angrily. “On the one hand, hospitals have to close because the costs are too high. On the other hand, we have money for the rest of the world, for example 4,690 million euros in development aid for India, who will then have billions of dollars left over for their successful moon landing. On the one hand, you want to save the world from a suspected climate apocalypse, but on the other hand, our nuclear power plants are being shut down. Young people are aware of such contradictions! Anyone interested in politics often does so out of desperation. Because according to him the situation cannot continue as before. Therefore, we are happy with every young person who has thoughts and wants to talk to young people.”


Dr. Thomas Hartung

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Head of the press office of the AfD parliamentary group

Baden-Württemberg State Parliament

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