India shocked by images of police throwing bodies over bridge

The images were shocking and caused a wave of anger India. Police officers from Bihar, the country’s most impoverished state, filmed throwing the body of a man who was a victim of a traffic accident into a canal. The video that went viral shows three police officers carrying the victim’s bloodied body to the bridge’s parapet before dropping it into the water, under the gaze of passersby. The video has been viewed more than 800,000 times since it was uploaded online on Sunday.

THAT police officer in India it is often slandered and accused of being corrupt and inefficient. Bihar, with a population of more than 100 million people, is one of the poorest states in the country.

The lower body was thrown

A senior police official in Muzaffarpur district told AFP that his men only threw the lower part of the man’s body into the water, where it was crushed by a speeding truck and could not be found.

“It is the body of an elderly man who has not been identified. The upper part was sent for a post-mortem, but the lower part was so badly damaged that they threw it into the canal, said Rakesh Kumar. That was a serious mistake. We have suspended three police officers seen in the video. » After the video went viral, police rushed to retrieve body parts from the canal, according to local media.

Serena Hoyles

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