“We’d better remain in the delirium of our friendship” Julie Ricci rejects Vivian in The Fifty

How to watch episodes of “The Fifty” streaming?

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Take a cold shower

Still focused on strategy, this time Vivian tried to convince Nicolas to ally with her. However, the latter was not fooled and did not give his trust away. He immediately informs his allies (Colette, Enzo, and Florian) about this exchange. Even though he took the initiative by kissing her the day before, Julia didn’t pay much attention today. He is worried and does not fail to show a lack of affection.

For young mothers, the situation is a bit rushed. Still affected by her breakup, she struggles to open up to anyone at this time. Therefore he explained, half-heartedly, that he wanted to remain friends. For Vivian, this was a complete disappointment. He still hoped to win her back outside the castle.

Also read: A candidate faints in the middle of the ceremony.

Hunters who know how to hunt

The day after Julien’s birthday party, 50 people met at the door of the arena to compete in their 8th event. Arranged in one line, they must take turns shooting the ball. 4 players draw the black ball: Enzo, Éloïse, Scott and Myriam. Therefore they received the label “hunters”. The latter is blindfolded and must touch a minimum of 6 candidates in 8 rounds.

The hunted wear bells on their feet that send sound signals to 4 teammates. Gary was the first to be affected. Julie, Lindsay, Florian, Coralie and Mélanie suffer the same fate. Stéphane, who left the black zone, was also eliminated. The game is over and the hunters are saved. Once again, Vivian exiles the forgotten by going against their wishes.

Garfield Woolery

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