India, a key player in the great “world chaos”.

“India is bigger than the world”Jorge said Luis Borges to one of his characters, in a collection of short stories Aleph (Gallimard, 1977). This assertion, somewhat confusing, but very similar to the style of Argentinian writers who love the gap between reality and imagination, could be coming true before our eyes. India now has a global diplomatic and strategic dimension, which makes it an important and necessary player. Especially in the Indo-Pacific region, but also beyond.

Because, if India is possible “bigger than the world”, in the sense that, by virtue of its size, religious, linguistic, cultural and ethnic diversity, it represents a universe that tends to mirror other universes, it never ceases to emphasize the important role it wants to play in the world context. international stage. As the Minister of External Affairs, Jaishankar Subrahmanyam, MPs from the Indian People’s Party (BJP), the political party of Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, have repeatedly repeated: India has set itself a mission to become “one of the leading countries” from this planet.

The latest illustration of this ambition, the country assumes leadership of the G20 in December 2022, culminating in the holding of a summit that will bring together national leaders representing these countries in September in New Delhi. more than 75% of world trade. India’s weight is further strengthened by the fact that this year India will become the most populous country in the world – ahead of China – with a population of more than 1.4 billion people, and by 2022, India will become the fifth largest economy in the world. replaced the former British colonialists. “We leave behind those who led us for two hundred and fifty years”rejoices, sarcastically, Prime Minister, Narendra Modi.

The move is a long-awaited moment for Modi, a popular – and populist – leader who has embodied the political omnipotence of the Hindu nationalist right. Since the end of the 20th centurye In this century, the continued rise of the BJP has accompanied India’s rise in the global geopolitical theater. After returning to power for the second time in a row in the 2019 legislative elections, the head of government appears to be firmly in power as the BJP is well positioned to achieve a third victory in the next elections, which is expected to occur in 2024. Narendra Modi now has greater legitimacy enough to convince outsiders of the country’s importance.

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