The CDU leadership presented a five-point plan against illegal migration

In light of the increasing number of refugees, leading CDU politicians are calling for this public clarification from Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) that Germany could no longer accept any more people. As the newspaper “Bild” reported on Sunday, the Secretary General of the CDU demanded this Carsten Linnemann and the first parliamentary executive director of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group, Thorsten Freithat the Chancellor “as soon as possible”. Speech in the Bundestag hold.

“The Chancellor must do that Send a signal to the world: our capacity is running out. We will stop illegal migration,” Secretary General Carsten Linnemann told the “Bild” newspaper.

Parliamentary Secretary Thorsten Frei also supported Scholz’s speech as a signal against irregular migration.

The Chancellor could no longer look down. He must also take the initiative in Europe.

Thorsten Frei (CDU) compared to “Bild”

Media reports also suggest that the two politicians are one Five-point plan for Germany’s new migration policy has developed. This “asylum pact” provides, among other things, for stationary border controls and credit cards for asylum seekers instead of money. The aim is to significantly reduce the number of illegal migrants.

This is what the CDU politicians are demanding in their “Asylum Pact”:

1. Fixed border control

  • Later it will be in Germany Borders with Switzerland, Poland and Czech Republic to be controlled.
  • That’s why the traffic light government must unite with EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen Application for stationary border control place.

2. Introduction of chip cards

  • Asylum seekers will have to do this in the future no more money accept. Instead, they should receive a chip card (prepaid card) that can be used to pay for their purchases in stores.
  • The CDU wants to use the card preventing people from sending money to their home countries.

3. Transit zone and deportation center

  • This procedure should be expedited for asylum seekers who have no prospects of staying. You must log in Transit zone at the state border brought and accommodated at the return center. This is intended so that rejected applicants do not hide.
  • Anyone sent to a returns center should “no longer receive any money.” Instead, they should Benefits in kind as much as the absolute minimum requirement“, such as food and hygiene products.

4. Stop the voluntary admissions program

  • The federal government should “immediately end all voluntary admissions from abroad.”
  • This especially applies to the reception program for people from Afghanistan who come to Germany.

5. Safer country of origin

  • The federal government should do it Maghreb Countries and India “Immediately declare them as safe countries of origin,” the CDU asylum pact said, according to the “Bild” newspaper.
  • The Maghreb is a region of North Africa Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco and Western Sahara. Libya and Mauritania are also sometimes included.

(tsp, AFP)

Ambrose Fernandez

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