US urges China to put aside issues with India and play constructive role at 2023 G20 summit

Last week, China and India were embroiled in a diplomatic dispute over an official map issued by Beijing, which India says claims its territory.

China responded by saying that India should refrain from overinterpreting the issue.

When asked by a reporter whether tensions between India and China would overshadow the 2023 G20 summit, Sullivan said it was up to China to decide.

“If China wants to play the role of troublemaker, that option is of course available to it,” he said.

However, Sullivan added that India, the United States and all other G20 members would encourage China to take constructive action on climate, multilateral development bank reform, debt relief, technology, to put geopolitical issues aside and really focus on solving the problem. Developing countries.

The G20 is a group of countries that come together to discuss global economic plans.

G20 countries accounted for 85 percent of to go out the global economy and 75 percent of global trade. They cover two thirds of the world’s population.

Jordan Carlson

"Zombie geek. Beer trailblazer. Avid bacon advocate. Extreme introvert. Unapologetic food evangelist. Internet lover. Twitter nerd."

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