Conflict between Hindus and Muslims escalates ahead of the elections

Hindu temple near the city of Nuh. In the middle of the road there was a street fight between Hindus and Muslims.
Image: Till Fähnders

Conflict between Hindus and Muslims is increasing in India. Critics accused the government of using the unrest to create anti-Muslim sentiment ahead of the election.

AOn a busy street, several men with beards and white robes gathered in a circle. A plainclothes police officer sat in the middle and took their statements. It’s about the violent riots in late July and early August, where Hindus and Muslims came into bloody conflict. In the town of Nuh, about two hours’ drive from New Delhi, traces of unrest are easy to spot. The Muslim men sat right next to a burning shop where the walls were black with soot from the fire. One of the men sold furniture, mainly beds and mattresses, at the store before it was destroyed.

Now Mohammed Siddiq ran up the stairs to the shop. There were only a few charred black pieces of furniture left on the floor. Siddiq picked up a piece of charred cardboard. “This is all I have,” said the 44-year-old. No one was injured at the store. Siddiq managed to survive when the riots started. Hindus and Muslims attacked each other on July 31. “There was a Hindu shop in front that was also on fire,” Siddiq said before returning to the circle of men.

Ambrose Fernandez

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