Rajasthan in August – India Forum

Good morning,
I read a lot of things about Rajasthan in August, some say that you should not go there because it is the rainy season, others on the contrary that the rainy season in this part of India is just rain which is of course regular but temporary and the temperature then changes. reasonable.
I want to do a big tour there (Jaisalmer, Jodhpur, Udaipur, Jaipur etc. without going any further east than Delhi/Agra) and I want to have a bit of a clear idea. I am not at all bothered when traveling by heavy rain (on the contrary it can be refreshing, the countryside is often greener, photos are more beautiful with clouds compared to blue skies without clouds, etc.), on the other hand, of course, I have no desire to spend 3-4 weeks under long and regular or even permanent rain and gray ceiling-like skies most of the time (as I imagine this must have been in certain parts of India at that time). this time).
So my question is for those going there during this period, what kind of weather did you experience: mostly clouds and sun with a thunderstorm in the afternoon for example (i.e. typical weather in much of the Americas in middle August) or heavy rain can it last all day and the sky is gray?
Thank you very much !

Serena Hoyles

"Twitter junkie. Hipster-friendly bacon expert. Beer ninja. Reader. Communicator. Explorer. Passionate alcohol geek."

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