September 11, 2023 – International press review

Regarding Ukraine, the G20 summit found a compromise formula (image of the alliance / ASSOCIATED PRESS / Kenny Holston)
“The G20 presidency was a great victory,” he said THE HINDUSTAN PERIOD of Delhi, stating: “While critics may insist that this final declaration trivializes the Ukraine issue, India is focused on the bigger picture. heads of state and government did not reach a consensus on the declaration, so the results – and there will always be those who dispute them – were far more mixed than the results in Bali and a more detailed review of Ukraine,” it said. THE HINDUSTAN PERIOD From India.
“Only Ukraine unhappy,” wrote a headline in Poland WYBORCZA GAZETTE and explained: “Western countries wanted to condemn Moscow for the invasion, and Russia claimed that they would block any statement that did not reflect its position. And suddenly a miracle happened: an agreement was reached. Only Ukraine, which is not a member of the G20 said that the group “had nothing to be proud of,” the note noted WYBORCZA GAZETTE from Warsaw.
The newspaper explained the criticism from Ukraine SABAH from Turkey as follows: “The fact that the final declaration did not mention ‘Russia’s war of aggression’ but ‘war on Ukraine’ was, in Ukraine’s view, a concession meant to satisfy Russia. In fact, the language was milder compared to the previous year’s declaration. But: what is the point if a final declaration of support for Ukraine has already been issued? The answer: nothing at all. The war will not end and the Ukrainian problem will not be resolved,” the newspaper wrote. SABAH from Istanbul.
Newspaper DE VOLKSKRANT of Amsterdam noted: “It may be disappointing that only half-hearted words were included in the final declaration, but given the enormous challenges facing the world, it is at least one piece of joy that the G20 has remained intact.”
Praise for the host came from the newspapers LIANHE BAO from Taipei: “The fact that the summit was successfully concluded is largely due to New Delhi’s art of balance. persuade countries to compromise. At the same time, Beijing and Moscow also have to give up some of their positions,” the Taiwan newspaper concluded. LIANHE BAO together.
Newspaper NEPSZAVA from Budapest sees it this way: “In fact, host Narendra Modi accomplished a diplomatic masterpiece by drawing up a final declaration signed by the United States, Russia and China. At the same time, the text is an accumulation of generalities.”
That CARDIAC of Vienna, but criticized the Prime Minister of India: “As a strong host, the Prime Minister is able to portray himself as a father figure of a new India who confidently goes his own way. Domestically however, the Indian government promotes many things that fall under the category of ‘ colonial heritage’ has been erased, but in the process a special Hindu nationalist vision of India is being realized, one that is more authoritarian and less democratic and less inclusive. need India as a strong partner in Asia,” he said STANDARD.
Today marks the fiftieth anniversary of the military coup in Chile. Newspaper EL MOSTRADOR of Santiago de Chile noted: “It is perhaps surprising that not all political actors were prepared to condemn the 1973 coup. There were even statements that explicitly justified the coup. One of the reasons was factional strife within conservative circles, which is why right-wing forces in particular are now trying to to portray Pinochet as a statesman. It was very important to react to this. Despite all the mistakes at the time: September 11, 1973 was a coup against the president who was planning a social project to improve the living conditions of a large part of the population,” he said. EL MOSTRADOR from Chile.
Uruguayan newspaper EL PAIS from Montevideo wrote: “For leftists in Chile and other countries on the continent, President Allende was an icon, and his death made him a symbol of resistance to oppression. But it is also important to take a closer look at his background. The tragedy occurred after the Cold War , and the Chilean government had been repeatedly warned not to build a second Cuba in South America. Allende was not a communist, but he did not have the majority of votes needed to carry out broad reforms, and economic policies led to instability,” the newspaper recalled EL PAIS from Montevideo.
“This anniversary is a good opportunity to reflect on democratic values,” said the Colombian newspaper EL ESPECTADOR sure: “Chilean left-wing president Boric attaches great importance to this date because his desire is to unite the Chilean people beyond their political convictions – and he has succeeded in adopting a commitment to democracy along with his predecessors.”
Topic change. After the great earthquake in Morocco, the government initially only asked for help from Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Great Britain and Spain. French newspapers asked about this LIBERATION: “Did the kingdom want to take time to avoid chaos in humanitarian aid, as was alleged after the 2004 earthquake? Did the kingdom allow itself to be overwhelmed by the enormity of the task at hand, especially since the king was not present when the earthquake occurred?” Drama happening? Or did he consciously decide to put the disputing parties to a diplomatic standstill, such as France? Sooner or later the moment of truth will come,” he predicted. LIBERATION from Paris.
Newspaper LE FIGARO adding: “If this country is struck by bad luck, we are not spectators of a distant drama: we are directly affected and ready to immediately help. It’s just that: the heads of state of our two countries are at war with each other. For two years this has been a personal dispute and politics. The earthquake is now a compelling reason to end it. Considering the thousands of victims, there is no need to offend pride,” warned LE FIGARO from Paris.
At the end of the press review, there were two more comments about the German national basketball team becoming world champions for the first time: Spanish newspapers MARCA congratulated: “Imperial Germany conquered the basketball world championship thanks to Marshal Schröder. The point guard and Franz Wagner were the protagonists of Germany’s historic victory over Serbia, which suffered a wreck in the second half.”
That COURIER from Vienna drew comparisons with football: “Solidarity and determination, courage and discipline, self-confidence and intelligence. In recent weeks, German basketball players have demonstrated all the virtues of German sport that are currently denied to their compatriots. As a team that so talented to kick off the World Cup, Germany’s basketball players complete a fairy tale journey in Manila on Sunday.” And with that sound from COURIER international press review ends.

Ambrose Fernandez

"Subtly charming web junkie. Unapologetic bacon lover. Introvert. Typical foodaholic. Twitter specialist. Professional travel fanatic."

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