G20 in India: African Union joins the organization


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French info

The G20 in India kicks off on Saturday September 9 in New Delhi. The big news this edition is the integration of the African Union. What is the problem? Update with journalist Christelle Méral, live from India’s capital.

Saturday 9 September, G20 starting in New Delhi (India). One of the challenges of this summit is the integration of the African Union into G20. Directly from there capital Indianjournalist Christelle Meral explain that “Le G20 recently welcomed a new member, the African Union, representing 55 members. It is a success for the Prime Minister of India who welcomed this G20. That was also a request from France”. According to the special envoy, “This is a signal sent to Africa, which is increasingly influential politically and economically”.

Internal division

If the African Union becomes a point of agreement, then there will be other issues that divide, such as criticism of the war in Ukraine. “There is opposition from Russia, but also from other countries developing countries, such as Brazil or South Africa, that refuse to choose between Moscow and Kyiv”explained the journalist. Another divisive issue is climate. “France wants to get out of the coal sector, but there is opposition from China and India. It seems very complicated to take action against fossil fuel rejection”Christelle added Meral.

Serena Hoyles

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